The company determine the Policy according to the Management System for Quality, Safety, Occupational Health, Environment, Energy Conservation and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as follows ;
“Enhance added value for customers by SCM in terms of quality, cost, product added value, delivery lead time and all activities for customers confidence”
“Maintain and improve on safety, compliance and symbiosis with community”
NS-SUS controls and reduces pollutants discharge into the environment as follows
2.1 Air : NS-SUS has manage about air emission as followings :
1) Use clean technology
- Low NOx Burner and Natural Gas has been chosen for Annealing Furnace to minimize emission such as Oxide of Nitrogen (NOx), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) and Dust
- Acid Recovery plant (ARP) for pickling process provides recycling the used hydrochloric acid and minimize emission with Venturi Scrubber.
2) Wet scrubber are major equipment for minimization and controlling air emission from acid and alkali storage tanks.
3) Regular measurement and monitoring in order to maintain machine efficiency
2.2 Water : Wastewater from production process is treated by Alkali & Oily wastewater treatment system and Weak Acid wastewater treatment system and monitor online quality of treated wastewater before discharging to central wastewater treatment system of WHA Eastern Industrial Estate [Map Ta Phut].
2.3 Waste : Minimization of waste generation by technology and awareness
1) Used hydrochloric acid is recycled as new acid by Acid Recovery Plant (ARP)
2) Coolant oil and hydrauric oil are extended service life by recirculating treatment equipment.
3) Scum oil is recycled at Cement Kiln Plant
4) Waste bin is separated into 5 types which will be placed suitable location around factory including promotion of waste separation correctly.
5) Zero waste to Landfill 100%
There are environment measurements to monitor and control air emission, water discharge and waste transportation from factory to be complying with laws and regulations.
+66 3868 5155
+66 3868 5133
Corporate Social Responsibility
NS-SUS Sports Friendship Game (Oct - Nov 23)
new employees to NS-SUS family Aug 2023